Cosmetics Branch

Skin compatibility assessment under dermatological control

Dermatological studies help to evaluate safety of cosmetics, determining whether the beauty product causes allergies or irritancy. Patch tests are always carried out under control of well qualified dermatologist who evaluates skin types of adult volunteers. The product is kept in contact with the skin for 48 and 72 hrs under patch. Our cosmetics and personal care products clinical testing service is designed to support you from design stage through to reporting stage. Prior to the product testing, it undergoes thorough quality assessment of its ingredients. The specific test can be only selected on the basis of product’s ingredients, test type is based on the target consumer group as well as the cosmetic type.

We offer the following test methods in compliance with:

  • Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 Of The European Parliament And Of The Council Of 30 November 2009 on cosmetic products
  • Cosmetics Europe – The Personal Care Association (formerly COLIPA) Guidelines – Product test Guidelines for the Assessment of Human Skin Compatibility 1997
  • Cosmetics Europe – The Personal Care Association (formerly COLIPA) Guidelines for the Evaluation of the Efficacy of Cosmetic Products 2008
  • Testing procedures and technical instructions applicable at J.S. Hamilton International Sp. z o.o

Dermatological test type:


  • Dermatological test on normal skin

Dermatological test is carried out on 25 volunteers with normal skin type, without atopic dermatitis or any sensitivity to beauty or home care products, recommended for normal skin type consumer and with no direct contact with eye mucosa or intimate area.


  • Expanded dermatological test

Dermatological test is carried out on 50 volunteers (half with normal skin and half with sensitivity to cosmetics or home care products), recommended for products intended for sensitive skin, for children, contact with an eye mucosa or intimate areas.


  • Hypoallergenic test

Dermatological test is carried out on 50 volunteers (half with normal skin and half with atopic dermatitis or a group with sensitive skin to preservatives used in cosmetics or home care products). Recommended for products intended for sensitive skin, for children, contact with an eye mucosa or intimate areas. The product must meet specific requirements concerning the INCI nomenclature. Prior human clinical trial a product undergoes analysis of the product’s ingredients and qualification.


  • T-shirt test

Dermatological test is carried out on 25 volunteers with sensitivity to cosmetic products or home care products, recommended for products intended for washing and rinsing fabrics, for consumers with sensitive skin and children.